Single Harness


Quality leather harness made for comfort



Quality leather harness made for comfort.

The comfort head piece is shaped to give a better fit around the ear. Padded for more comfort and with a leather tongue to protect the side of the head from the possibility of pressure points.

The noseband is padded and buckles from either side underneath. It hangs independendly of the cheek pieces on the bridle which allows it to be adjusted easily to fit each individual horse’s head correctly. It also reduces interference of the bit movement.

The reins are leather  reins  and are a comfortable width in your hand being 5/8th inch wide.  Simply by holding the reins lightly the weight of the leather gives a light, constant contact enabling the horse to go forward freely.

are dark brown and a width – 5/8” – that is comfortable to hold in your hand.

The collar is shaped to give more room around the gullet, but the curve is only slight. This gives a direct and even pull all round the chest and shoulder rather than in specific places unlike some excessively curved collars that twist and create pressure points across the shoulder.

The nicely shaped pad is stuffed with wool rather than rubber. Wool not only ‘breathes’, it will move and shape to the horse’s contour whereas rubber always tries to push back to its original form. We have paid particular attention to the back edge which is where saddlery tests have shown up significant pressure points. Pads have tended to get narrower over the years having been copied from show harness which was designed to show off as much of the animal as possible. Old harness was wider to spread the load for working animals. We have gone for a good medium width here – wider than many but not so wide it looks chunky and out of proportion.

The tugs can be quick release or conventional.

The girth has traditionally not received much attention in driving circles, where riders long ago recognised its importance for comfort. Again we have gone for something a little wider than the norm so as to spread the load more evenly. It is solid leather.

The backstrap comes in two parts – the lower section of the single strap attaches to the buckle and goes through the D ring on the driving pad, then back through the same buckle. This allows more alteration from above and below to accommodate longer or shorter back animals.

The breeching is a good width; the dees on the straps ensure they lie flat against the horse’s sides. The breeching seat is also well padded in soft leather so that it does not rub and cause discomfort to the horse.

The traces are double leather double stitched with nylon running throught the centre, so that they will not stretch or break.


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Additional information


Shetland, Small Pony, Pony, Cob, Horse

Harness Colour

Black, Brown, Black/Brown